THE SCIENCE TIMES: Why Protiva Is the Best Choice for Moms
The last trimester is a time of intense development that brings added challenges for our bodies. As your baby grows rapidly towards the end of your pregnancy, it can put pressure on the stomach and make it hard to eat. This is the time to make sure that both yourself and baby get the extra daily protein you need.
Developed by leading clinicians, Protiva Nurture has been clinically proven to safely prepare moms for delivery and support a healthier recovery. Recommended from week 28 of the third trimester until birth, Nurture provides additional daily protein and helps skin maintain skin elasticity, reducing the effects of stretch marks. Our study showed that 97% of moms had low protein levels in their third trimester, but after taking Protiva, 100% of the women taking part saw their levels increase to a normal range.
Pregnant women often have a beautiful visible glow, but collagen is vital to keeping their hair, skin and nails as well as their joints and ligaments looking and feeling their best. After taking Protiva for 4-6 weeks, many moms notice their hair and nails are more vibrant and healthier and their skin has more elasticity.
Makes the perfect healthy addition to many recipes – visit the Protiva Instagram feed to discover some great recipe ideas from our community of moms.
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